Hi there, its me.

Hi, my name is Georg Wallner

I’m a photographer / graphic designer from Austria. I studied information design at FH-Joanneum in Graz and now work in photography, video and graphic-design. Sometimes I also create little websites, like this one.
Most of my photographic work is digital, but for myself I like to work on film. For certain projects I prefer the look and especially the elegance and simplicity of old cameras. After countless hours in front of a computer its nice to spend a long night, wet-printing in a darkroom every once in a while. Limiting myself with simple equipment always gives me new ideas that I take with me on assignments.

In my spare time I ride my bike, travel and work as a volunteer for the Austrian Red Cross. This gave me the possibility to see such awe-inspiring events as a child’s birth, or one of the last Space Shuttle launches.

During the last years, I worked with great people at Red Bull Creative, Designbüro Sven Hoffmann, Hamburg , Unter freiem Himmel, Graz and Fargo Circle Studio ( formerly Juliet Zulu Europe) in Salzburg.

Recently, I was washed up on the shores of Lake Fuschl in Austria.

represented by gonzalesphoto.dk


Georg Wallner
Markt 106
5570 Mauterndorf

hurryup ät georgwallner.at
+43 664 9268126

more photos on flickr
some videos on youtube or vimeo